Work Redefined

MetLife Employee Benefit Trends

Work Redefined: A New Age of Benefits

2 min read
November 28, 2019

Work Redefined: A New Age of Benefits

Today’s workforce is facing revolutionary changes like never before. New technologies allow employees to be “on” anytime, anywhere. Work is no longer confined to the office. And while this mobility offers great advantages, work is now infiltrating employees' home lives. 

Between work and life, employees want harmony — not just balance. With this new age of blended work-life experience, they expect their employers to proactively provide solutions for their changing needs. 

This MetLife Study highlights emerging trends in benefit needs, showing that employees are seeking a sense of financial and emotional wellbeing. Financial stress can affect employees’ personal lives, which can then impact their careers. And they’re looking to their employers to help safeguard against it. Plus, with today’s increasingly diverse workforce, employees also want their benefits to reflect their varied needs. 

Today's benefits experience has to be more complete, offering a broader range of options for more tailored solutions. It is important for employers to ensure that they offer the benefits that employees want, even if the company doesn't pay for them. In this way, employers inspire greater satisfaction and loyalty in the workforce.

Work Redefined

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